

In our experience, it is possible to get savings through most of the small businesses. In this work, we are the help of our customers as well as 'cramped'.

We focus on the agreed categories with the customer, which, according to our analysis, is the most significant potential for savings. Concrete, measurable savings are our goal, because our own earnings are also based on sharing profits.

Our efforts to achieve savings are clear and systematic, with emphasis on long-term co-operation with suppliers.



Start measuring

At the very core of our development, we are launching systematic monitoring. This includes configuring measurement tools, categorizing purchases, editing material to ensure comparability, and setting relevant metrics. This is the key part of all development activities so that we can know in the future how to recognize the effectiveness of the development efforts made and to ensure savings.

Optimization with existing agreements

Review of current supplier relations. The exchange of suppliers is always a risk, so often good results are achieved with existing suppliers, making sure that the terms of purchase are up to date and as a whole are optimal.

Focusing on purchases

Purchases are categorized, after which we prepare a plan for each category. From a risk management perspective, in some cases, it may be justified to use more than one vendor, but in many cases, centralization of purchases to few suppliers will bring direct and indirect savings. Guidance as well as guidance for procurement to contract suppliers will ensure the achievement of the planned objectives.

competitive bidding

Bidding for purchases by category is often a way to make efficient, updated bidding conditions competitive. Terms of purchase should be considered as a whole. In addition to price, there are several other perspectives (quality, terms of contract with payers, service levels with penalties, supplier risk, etc.) which are to be taken into account in the comparisons. We are making our bidding process effective and we will take care of our customers as a whole. Our customers can peacefully focus on their core business.

In addition to saving measures, we are also launching other activities that support procurement activities such as:
• Solutions for working capital management in the acquisition area
• Implementation of analytics that supports reporting
• Start deeper monitoring of competing categories
• Risk assessment of strategic suppliers

Project-specific projects will be made in cooperation with the customer, however, so that the client's investment is minimal when Spendavis carries out project implementation. The project utilizes best practices and tools for procurement. During the project, customers are transferred knowledge and, when needed, brought together to support business-compatible solutions.
Our fees for projects are based on realized and verified savings. Our projects are cash flow positions from day one!